Monday, May 5, 2014

Time Crunch

It turns out that starting a blog a month before ones destination wedding isn't the ideal time to expect to post weekly entries! Then again when is? I'm not a writer. I have a day job. I have a new wife, two I have two classes coming up next semester. I have lots of interests and hobbies. How do I find time to write a weekly blog? The answer is I don't. I have to make the time. I constantly shuffle this here and that there. I weigh sleep, quality time with loved ones and friends, exercise, errands, playing music, listening to music, cooking, watching 30 Rock, go to work 40-48 hours and numerous other things on a weekly basis. When do I write?? Who's brain here shuts off? Mine certainly doesn't. One of the things I find difficult is to take the time to stop and write or record an idea when it comes. I have so many during a given day and, sadly, I rarely stop to make a record of them. It's so easy to just daydream the best idea known to man, as it flows from the recesses of the cerebral cortex and when the process comes to fruition, it vanishes before it can be recalled. Often I also find that when I stop to start writing it down, the flow is interrupted and the idea is often left sitting there, looking like a broken hologram, with no body or depth. Because of this I often find myself half consciously NOT taking the time to record my thoughts because the uninterrupted process of inspiration FEELS so good. I'd rather have the

(the above entry was started, oh, sometime in the FALL of 2013. And I just laughed at the irony of the last full line.)

So here I am. Starting again, only this time. I have a plan, an idea, a germination.

For my birthday last year or the year before that, my beautiful wife got me a book. "642 Things to Write About"

I hear by resurrect this blog and will, by this weekend, write you all a story, using one of those prompts. There have been a lot of #100days blogs and Facebook posts lately, so I plan to write a hundred of those stories, poems, or memories using that book. It won't be in 100days, but maybe over a year or two. I hope you enjoy. I am excited to get started


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